Working experiences
2024 University of Rome Tor Vergata, Research on Circular Economy Advancements, coordinator: Prof. Leonardo Becchetti
2023 CMCC & University of Venice Ca' Foscari, Postdoc on sustainable business models innovation and risk assessment for climate services and nature-based solutions. Division of Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategy (RAAS), coordinator: Prof. Mysiak
2022 University of Florence, Research on nudge for sustainable pension funds. Department of economics, coordinator: Prof. Colivicchi
2021 University of Rome La Sapienza, Research on methodology for subjective preferences estimation. Visiting to the department of Statistics, mentor: Prof. Maggino
2018 Inter-universities research centre of the University of Florence: CH.I.CO , Research on sustainable development indicators and policies. Research on Ceccano (Italy) where a large survey and analysis were done to assess the town level of wellbeing, development, and sustainability
2018 AIQUAV (Italian research association for quality of life studies) & PLEF (Planet life economy foundation), Research on methodology for sustainable development indicators at local level Research applied in Casal Monferrato (Italy) and lead to the publication of my handbook on measuring equitable and sustainable wellbeing at local level
2019-2022 Sustainable development economics, Lecturing, University of Warsaw (UCBS), Belonging to the master degree of ’Sustainable Development’
2019-2021 Informatic tools for economics, Lecturing, University of Warsaw, Belonging to the bachelor's degree course of ’Economics’
2018-Present QUhorizon (previously: Present Bova Consulenze), Tehnological solutions for big data reports and sustainable development analyses. Founder.
2018-2022 University of Warsaw, Economics, Doctoral study
2018-2019 University of Rome ’Tor Vergata’, Management of the Organizations and Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church , Master degree
2014-2017 University of Florence, Development Economics , Master degree
2011-2014 University of Rome ’Tor Vergata’, Economics and Management, Bachelor degree
2022 University of Naples Federico II, Summer School in European Environmental Taxation
2021 Harvardx, Justice, certified semester course
2021 Harvardx, Justice Today: Money, Markets, and Morals, certified semester course
2018 University of Siena (Santa Chiara Lab), ASVIS (Alleanza Italiana per lo sviluppo sostenibile), Eni, Summer School on Sustainable Development